How to do weird fonts in skype
How to do weird fonts in skype

how to do weird fonts in skype

  • Good Luck (goodluck) – This animated emoji of a four-leaf clover disappears and then reappears one leaf at a time.
  • He lifts it up and there is a big X on it.
  • Stop (stop) – This animated emoji is a police officer in uniform holding up a Stop sign.
  • Gotta Run (gottarun) – This is the man emoji in a profile view, running comically, with his tie blowing in the wind.
  • Family Man Man Child (familymanmanchild) – This shows a gay couple with a kid.
  • Family Woman Woman Child (familywomanwomanchild) – This shows a lesbian couple with a kid.
  • LFC Facepalm (LFCfacepalm) – This animated happy face emoticon facepalms into its white-gloved hand.
  • LFC Clap (LFCclap) – This animated happy face emoticon has arms and claps its white-gloved hands.
  • how to do weird fonts in skype

    Then he covers himself with his hands and reaches down to pick it back up.

  • Pool Party (poolparty) – This funny animated emoticon is a naked man dancing with a small kiddie pool around his waist like a hula-hoop.
  • LFC Party (LFCparty) – This animated happy face emoticon has confetti falling around him.
  • Oliver (oliver) – This animated man emoticon is wearing a black hat and glasses and is moving his mouth like he is speaking.
  • LFC Worried (LFCworried) – This animated face emoticon bites his lip and looks around fearfully.
  • Wearing blue, he raises a camera to his face, snaps a picture, and then lowers it.
  • Priidu (zilmer) – This is an animated hipster male emoji.
  • Tauri (tauri) – This is an animated man emoticon with glasses, a mustache, and a goatee.
  • She lowers the glasses and then pushes them up again.
  • Malthe (malthe) – This is an animated emoticon of a woman with blue-black hair and glasses.
  • Toivo (toivo) – It is an animated emoji of a man wearing a white T-shirt and red shirt.
  • LFC Laugh (LFClaugh) – This animated happy face emoticon laughs.
  • Smoking (smoking) (smoke) (ci) – This yellow animated emoticon is smoking a cigarette and occasionally puffs out some smoke.
  • Drunk (drunk) – This animated yellow-face emoticon has uneven eyes, one of which is googly in an amusing manner.
  • how to do weird fonts in skype

  • Woman (woman) – This animated dark-haired woman is wearing a red dress and waving.
  • Man (man) – This animated dark-haired man is wearing a light-blue shirt with a tie and dark blue pants.
  • However, there are hidden Skype emoticons that appear only when you are typing the words in parentheses: 1.

    How to do weird fonts in skype